View Profile Zickar

Age 39, Male

Graphic Designer

Beirut, Lebanon

Joined on 12/13/06

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I was at this concert the other night, it was to celebrate the day 08-08-08, which means we'll probably have a couple more concerts in the coming years celebrating 09-09-09, 10-10-10, 11-11-11 and 12-12-12.
Back on topic, The Concert was more of a mini concert or should I say gig, it had a line up of percussionists, Rock bands and some Poetry, the setting was an abandoned house deep in the heart of Beirut between tress and in a jungle like surrounding .

Generally the idea of being in the middle of trees and a somewhat isolated surrounding outdoors just a few steps away from the heart of a very very noisy and frustrating city like Beirut was nice, It was actually the highest point of the evening, I didn't take pictures unfortunately cause I came in a rush and didn't plan to end there so I didn't grab my camera.

The spots were pretty diverse, some were funny, others were boring and others were just awful, ofcourse every now and then a good tune or performance would come up, one had to applaud ... Generally not a bad evening, a good beer with good freinds and some music in a good surrounding, not a bad way to chill out after a long day at work but all this got me wondering about how selective one should be in his taste.

Taste for Music, Taste for Movies, Taste for Paintings and literature and Theater .... Is it good to be that diverse or should it be more focused ?? I always think about that and always favor the second one towards a more selective and focused taste of art, but you never know, I might be wrong !!

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210 Points

DERP! 5 Points

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Mitch's Medal 10 Points

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Shirley's Medal 10 Points

Meet Shirley!

People Person 5 Points

Run 250 people over

Two and a Half Miles 5 Points

Travel over 2.5 miles

Half Game 10 Points

Half Of All Elements Discovered

Awesomeness 10 Points

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Combo Greatness 10 Points

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Hotdog? No thank you 5 Points

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Shh... It's a secret 5 Points

Find the secret spot